Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year

Another year has passed us by here. 2006 was full of memories. We've watched our son enter kindergarten, learn to read, and all while asking questions about how the world works. Meanwhile our younger son admired and mimicked his older brother. Michelle graduated from the skin care school she went to in Jersey and is almost a fully licensed esthetician. For me on a professional level it was a year of creativity and challenges that I never thought I'd be able to overcome but I made it happen and parlayed it into a sales position for 2007. I'm really excited about this opportunity and can't wait to start working with clients directly rather than making things happen behind the scenes. It's a risky move but it's a natural progression to the pretty solid television career I've enjoyed.

The last week of the year brought us a new life, albeit premature for a pair of friends, and a few days later a horrible tragedy where another precious life was taken. It was certainly a wake-up call and message to us all that life is a gift and each day is the package it's delivered in. I can't imagine the pain our dear friend is experiencing as her husband passed in the prime of his life.

I think I'll dedicate 2007 to the memory of Todd Holgerson. It may be cliche, but "Carpe Diem" never sounded so right. - ERS 1/1/2007

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